It has been a while since I Bloged!! That is what I was told by David so I thought I better get on that, and here I am 5 days later, LOL!!
The Monday (yes last Monday) Blog challenge was to write about what you can't live without!! Well My life is so full of so many things and amazing people I could not live without!! My hubby, who yes can drive me nuts!! but I could not imagine a day without him. My babues who are my 2 miracles and I just want to smother them forever!! My In-Laws who are such amazing people I am so lucky to have them!! My real life friends. I really feel so sad for people who cannot just pick up a phone and call a great friend!! Heather, I think we talk 2 or 3 times a day. I cannot wait to see that baby!! Robbie, who is like the good brother I never had. There have been so many times I have called him just to vent. He has always been there for all my life emergencies, and I love him so much for that!! David (AKA Poe, or Sir) Not one person on this planet can make me laugh like he can!! He is one of my oldest friends (almost 2/3's of my life), and I have no idea what my life would be without him!! Annie, though we don't talkmuch you are like my friend version of a soul-mate!! No matter what you know what is going on inside me, and I to you!! Here is a {{{BIG HUG}}} for you!!
Then there is my hobby/craft/sanity!! I scrap and have the worlds greatest online scrappy friends a girl could ask for!! We even have a new home to chat about our scrapping!! It is a board full of ladies that love to scrap and chat scrap, and make everyone else around them want to be happy and scrappy too!! Here is the link Over the past year so much silliness has happened on these silly boards, and I am just happy for it all to be over and water under the bridge!! Life is GOOD!! I think what makes it so hard is that there is a tendency for people to get so wrapped up in the cyber world that they forget about the Real Life world and friends and that you never know who or what is really on the other side of that post!! I know myself and so many others just want to go to a board to escape the stress and have fun!! I am so happy that we have a new board to do that on!! When I am down or have IRL stuff I pick up the phone and talk to an IRL friend, and I guess I am lucky that I can do that and that I have so many great friends to do that with!!
I have also been so blessed this past year in my scrappy life (LOL)!! I subbed to a fantastic club, and reallyloved the owner so much. She was always great to chat with and her kits were to die for!! SO when I saw her DT call I was all over it. Now I am an Edger!! Amber is the bestest and TSE ROCKS!!! is celebrating it's first birthday!! Amber is so awesome that she is giving a gift to all those who sub!! She really is the bestest most generous person ever!!
I also have been so lucky in my life to have the whole bunch at not only is the store awesome!! but the board is full of some of the most wonderful and talented people you will ever meet!! Kathy and Jennifer have really made such a great community there!! I was so lucky to be there March guest designer!! Wow was I thrilled and stunned when I was asked, I was not worthy!!
Ah that brings me to the Willows!! Thank you so much Christina for that wonderful, enabling, fun, enjoyable place!! What a fun, enabling group!! Yes very enabling!! I just wanted to give a {{{big hug}}} to all the WIllows!!